KAISERComm introduces LifeSize High Definition Video Conferencing

KAISERComm is committed to bringing our customers the latest and most trusted business technology available and we are excited to announce the introduction of LifeSize High Definition Video Conferencing to our robust product offering.

LifeSize, a division of Logitech, is an industry leader in HD video communications and delivered the world’s first HD video products. With more than 15,000 unique customers in over 100 countries, LifeSize is a welcome addition to the product set that we at KAISERComm are already offering our customers in the Minneapolis and St Paul metropolitan area.

The key products LifeSize offers can benefit many different types of customers. With Large and Mid-Market Enterprise solutions, LifeSize is able to cater to industries such as healthcare, entertainment and financial services as well as retail, corporate recruiting and legal services.

LifeSize HD Video Conferencing solutions are also a great fit in Education and Public Sectors with solutions tailored for secondary and higher education as well as federal, state and local governments.

KAISERComm President Steve Wexler had this to say about the new video conferencing solution, “We found that the robust offerings which LifeSize HD Video Conferencing brings to our customers a great benefit and will help them continue to use technology to efficiently and cost effectively do business.”

As technology advances and costs continue to drop the feasibility of video conferencing has become much more attainable. A comment from LifeSize’s own Vice Chairman Craig Malloy says, “All of the factors that create ‘the perfect storm’ for HD video communication have intensified: business is more global than ever, the cost and hassle of air travel has increased, and the desire to support corporate green initiatives has never been greater. Companies are looking for solutions and finding them with LifeSize.”

Bring video to any room in your business with superior quality and unparalleled price performance. Video Conferencing isn’t just for executives and board rooms anymore. Ask us how we can help bring HD video conferencing to your office.

For more information and updates on how KAISERComm can help your business, follow us on Facebook, and Twitter at @KAISERComm. For more on the LifeSize HD Video Conferencing systems, click here.

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1 Response to KAISERComm introduces LifeSize High Definition Video Conferencing

  1. Pingback: 3 reasons why your business needs video conferencing | KAISERComm

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