KAISERComm Intern Goes to Europe: Rob LeMay

Me in front of some famous tower

Me in front of some famous tower

I am Rob LeMay and I have been an intern at KAISERComm for several months while attending school at Bethel University.  This past January I got the opportunity of a lifetime to go to Europe to study international business.

While on my 21-day adventure in Europe I got to see seven countries including; Netherlands, Belgium, France, Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, and Italy.

Some of the key places that I enjoyed the most.

  • Faber-Castell, the world’s largest and one of the oldest pencil manufacturers.
  • BMW’s main production plant in Dingolfing, Germany
  • The European Parliament located in Brussels, Belgium.
  • Going up into the Alps in Austria (my personal favorite).
  • A stop at the Eiffel tower in Paris
A Castle at night in Brussels, Belgium

A Castle at night in Brussels, Belgium

While in Europe, we learned a lot and a saw many different things within the European culture.  As someone who had never been overseas before, I didn’t know what to expect.  One thing that really jumped out at me was how nice the Europeans dressed—very professional and fashionable.

I have many funny and embarrassing stories about language barriers.  For the most part Europeans were very well educated and knew English.  Getting used to the Euro instead of the Dollar was a task in itself as well.

The main European Parliament building in Brussels, Belgium

The main European Parliament building in Brussels, Belgium

An item worth noting in the business world is the importance of education in Europe.  Particularly in France, getting into the right high school sets you up for the right college, which ultimately lands you the right job.  The importance of education that is taught in the U.S. is just as important, if not more, in Europe.

The importance of networking and the power of people are very critical in Europe.  Just as citizens of the U.S. use networking to land jobs so do people in Europe.

The Alps in Salzburg, Austria

The Alps in Salzburg, Austria

One last fun fact is that in Europe it is important NOT to just put a business card in your pocket as soon as your receive it, this is considered impolite.  Rather you should take the time to look at it for a moment and really appreciate that someone giving you their business card.

 Read on: Meet the KAISERComm summer interns!

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